Nail Dips That Match Your Personality

Feeling flirty? Showy? Sensual? Elegant? Fun? We've got you covered.
Dipsy Dip Nail Dipping Powder is available in dozens of colors to match your personality. From soft pastels to bright, bold colors. And don't forget our stunning glitters. You're sure to find a look that suits you.
Our 5-Step Nail Dipping Powder System is easy to apply, requires no UV or LED light to cure and is made from high quality ingredients, ensuring your nails look silky smooth. And our Vitamin E additives help keep your nails and cuticle healthy.
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These are not your kid's nail stickers

Our 100% real nail polish wraps smell like nail polish, not vinyl. But the smell isn't what's important, the way they wear is.
Real nail polish gives you a true salon-style look that lasts for up to two weeks, and in some cases even longer. Once cured, they're more resistant to tearing, chipping and lifting. And they're breathable, helping your nails to remain strong and healthy. Shop Now

An Opportunity You'll Want To Dip Into
Dipsy Dip is actively seeking independent resellers. If you're looking for an exciting opportunity to partner and grow with an innovative startup company, we should talk.

We created this business with the goals of bringing a superior product to market and providing top-notch support to customers and resellers alike. We may be biased, but we think we nailed it.
Click here to learn more.